Blog post title: Term 1 Integrated Learning - Leadership
We have been learning all about What makes a good leader.
We identified that good leaders show 6 main character traits. These are Trustworthy, Integrity,Goal focussed,Resilient, Active thinker and Motivational.
The leadership trait that I think I show the most is Goal focused because I am determined to finish and accomplish my goal.
The leadership trait I would most like to develop is Motivation because to do my goal I need to be Motivational to be able to completly finish my goal.
Something NEW I have learned about leadership is Motivation and Integrity.
The SOLO level that I reached during this unit of learning is Relational because some things I am still learning but want to learn more of.
(see slide 2 of the leadership modelling book for this)
My next step in learning about leadership is to apply everything that I have learned about leadership to my own leadership roles.